For the MOCCA project Ghent University can count on many partners. Below an overview is given...
This weather station network was initiated by the department of Physics and Astronomy of Ghent University. They have built and installed the weather stations and are responsible for the data analysis. The observatory A. Pien sponsored 1 station. The rain gauges are loaned by Farys.While setting up the network we could count on the expertise of the RMI and VITO. Both institutes have a lot of experience in studying urban climate. Ghent University, RMI and VITO are collaborating already for 10 years by organizing the postgraduate program on weather and climate modelling (more information ).
In a city where space is scarce it is not evident to give room to a weather station. Nevertheless 6 partners (Honda Motor Europe, KMI, botanical garden Ghent University, city of Ghent, Province Oost-Vlaanderen and St Bavo school) were willing to host a weather station. These partners will be involved in the further evolution of this project.